Telefon 384 721 216
Velikost písma

11.4.2025 - 1. termín Jednotné přijímací zkoušky

14.4.2025 - 2. termín Jednotné přijímací zkoušky

29.4.2025 - 1. náhradní termín Jednotné přijímací zkoušky

30.4.2025 - 2. náhradní termín Jednotné přijímací zkoušky

17.4.2025 - Velikonoční prázdniny

Cesta k této kategorii: Úvodní stránka / O škole / English

FISHERMAN 41-53-H/002

FISHERMAN 41-53-H/002

Traditional three-year vocational training in the ČR.

Acceptance conditions:

  • No entrance examination
  • Appropriate health ability

In the theoretical tuition the pupils are taught general and the following technical subjects:

Fishery, fishery technology, hydrochemistry, fundamentals of agricultural production, fundamentals of ecology, driving motor vehicles, work on computer
In these subjects, the pupils receive theoretical knowledge for their technical training. The school has chemical and biological laboratories and classrooms for PC work equipped above the common standard, at the pupils’ disposal.

Technical training

It is provided by contractual fishery organizations, the largest and most important partner being the Rybářství Třeboň a.s. (Třeboň Fishery, joint-stock company)
The pupils are rewarded for their productive work in their technical training.

They are provided with tuition in areas e.g.:

  • complete fresh-water fish-farming
  • chemical water analyses, amelioration influence of fishponds
  • reduction and catching of fish, prevention against fish diseases, technology of fish processing
  • maintenance of fishery facilities
  • netting and repair of bags
  • fundamentals of large-scale aquarium fish breeding
  • establishing and maintenance of decorative pools

They receive

  • permit for work with the chainsaw and the scrub-slasher
  • group B+T driving permits, optionally C
  • euro passport with the vocational certificate, acknowledged in EU countries
  • driving permit for small vessels

Practical training abroad

  • Professional excursions all over the Czech Republic since the 1st year
  • Exchange stays in Norway, Poland, Slovakia and France

Job opportunities:

  • in companies dealing with breeding, catching, processing and selling fish
  • in anglers’ associations
  • in agricultural and forestry companies with fish-farming
  • in hatcheries of decorative and aquarium fish

Kde nás můžeš sledovat


Střední škola rybářská a vodohospodářská Jakuba Krčína, Třeboň, Táboritská 688

Táboritská 688, 379 01 Treboň

+420 384 721 216

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